Goddess Love Notes

Beautiful Phone Wallpaper for you!
Simply screen shot & replace your phone's screen saver with these quotes designed to inspire & uplift, reminding the goddess spirit to embrace her inner beauty, connect with nature - find joy in the spiritual journey of life!

Wanna Know Why We Wear Green On St. Paddy's Day?
Did you also know that people believed wearing green could make them invisible to leprechauns? YEP!

How to Use a Mala in Your Meditation Practice
Feeling overwhelmed or need a little bit of energy? Pull out your mala and get meditating!

3 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice
It's time to LET THINGS GO- here's how I'll be celebrating the Summer Solstice!

How to Enjoy Your April 2022 Saged & Stoned Box
I curated the tools for you to enjoy the vibrational frequencies of a sound bath- water optional! ;)

New Moon: Setting Intensions, Welcoming a New Beginning
Welcome the New Moon with this cleansing ritual!