About Us
HI Sweet Friend! Thanks for stopping by! Picasso Jasper is a dream come true! I am absolutely, wholeheartedly grateful that I get to make beautiful things for amazing people like you!
I launched Picasso Jasper in November 2014 without a clue! HA! I just knew I wanted to inspire AND BE inspired as we all navigate + expand our spiritual journey. I wanted to continue learning from other beautiful souls & share what I have learned on my own path. I believe we are all one..... as a collective, we can impact impact the world's vibration by elevating ours. All these years later- I'm still inspired EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!

My favorite part about this journey is meeting YOU! Every single one of you is magic to me! I am so grateful for your likes, loves, referrals & reviews! I often go live on socials. Come say HI! on Facebook & Instagram or
text me 617-404-4776! #pjlovelife
Let's elevate together! 🔮
PS- If you already have or are on the fence about starting a soul-centered business- DO IT! Schedule a call with me to constructively brainstorm, get clear on your strategy, identify your ideal customer, next steps & technical (actual things you need to do beyond mindset) advice or chat about anything else that has you feeling stuck. Anything & EVERYTHING is possible!! Repeat after me....
Now go get 'em! I believe in you! 😍❤️🙌
Our commitment
We source apparel from companies that abide by FLA's (Fair Labor Association) Code of Conduct. These companies are also sweat-shop free, WRAP certified (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production). We use Earth friendly fabrics, non-toxic inks & recycled shipping packaging whenever possible.
We believe we borrow this Earth from our children.
What's up with the name?
Picasso Jasper is a stone that inspires us to live each day to the fullest…. we only have ONE LIFETIME. ONE LIFETIME to share with our most precious loves…. ONE LIFETIME and that's just not enough. The Picasso Jasper woman loves life, appreciates every moment as special and is thankful for every blessing. We are positive, like-minded and supportive women who find the humor in life! We recognize each day as a gift, each experience as a teaching. We are always a student-- evolving, creating, recreating….
We are most thankful for unconditional love, cherished friendships and finding graceful inspiration in our short time spent on this Earth!